Commercial & Industrial Solar Installation Projects
Large-scale energy users are able to reduce their electricity cost through the use of installing solar “behind-the-meter” and avoiding distribution, generation and ancillary charges. As we review conditions surrounding a solar PV installation, we may recognize and offer energy storage, energy efficiency, cogeneration or other energy services including financing through a C-PACE program.
Behind-the-meter installation of solar systems allows the commercial and industrial user to avoid generation, ancillary utility charges and in some cases distribution charges. Pope Energy is dedicated to helping our customers find manageable and innovative solutions to help curb energy cost.
Large-scale energy users are able to take advantage of solar installations through property lease agreements, solar power purchase agreements (PPA’s) and direct ownership through many finance vehicles.
Contact us to discuss Industrial & Commercial Solar Installation. We are based in Boston, Massachusetts, and serve clients throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York.

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